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Anxiety Treatment

  • Are you or your child consumed by worry, stress, or fear?

  • Do you often feel as if you’re on the verge of losing control?

  • Do you feel constantly exhausted, but lie awake at night, unable to sleep?

  • Do you frequently feel nervous, stressed, or irritable?

  • Do you feel like you’re always on edge?

You might worry about your relationships, career, finances, health, and loved ones so often that it’s difficult to engage in the moment and enjoy anything, even activities that used to bring you peace of mind. Maybe you can’t shake a sense of dread and unease, and you find yourself unable to trust that things will work out. You may worry that you’re “going crazy” or that there is something very wrong with you. Perhaps you feel the need to do things a certain way to make sure nothing bad will happen. If you or your children have experienced any of these symptoms, you may be struggling with anxiety.

Anxiety can seem to start as a thought or a feeling; either way, you are likely to find yourself stuck in a seemingly endless cycle of increasing distress. Whether you’re struggling with anxiety and/or wondering how to support your teenager or child, you may be feeling overwhelmed and at your wit’s end. Maybe you’ve tried everything you know, including other anxiety therapy, but nothing has worked in the past. You might long for change, but wonder if it’s really possible.

You Are Not Alone

Symptoms of anxiety are one of the most common reasons people choose to work with a therapist, and they can start at any age. Over 40 million Americans struggle with anxiety—more than any other emotional concern. Even if you don’t have an anxiety disorder diagnosis, experiencing symptoms of anxiety can feel very distressing and have a negative impact on your life. It may seem as though you always have too much to do and not enough time to do it. Your friends and family might seem angry or frustrated with your constant need for reassurance. Minor setbacks or last-minute changes in plans may feel like major catastrophes. Anxiety can make you feel stuck, exhausted, and unable to stop the stream of fear and worry looping through your mind.

What causes anxiety can be different for every individual. Anxiety often runs in families; if other people in your family have experienced similar difficulties, you may have a genetic predisposition to becoming anxious yourself. The experiences you have and the way you’ve learned to interpret those experiences can also impact anxiety. It is our body’s natural response to perceived threats.

Fear of the unknown and feeling driven to control situations is common. Uncertainty and inability to control the outcome of situations can feel very threatening, especially for people who are prone to feeling anxious. Our world is changing at a record pace, and it can feel difficult to balance all of the demands of modern life, which may be one reason anxiety has become so much more prevalent.

Everywhere we look, we are bombarded by information about frightening things happening all across the world. As we struggle to keep up with those around us, it’s common to focus on how we’re falling short and to increasingly neglect human connection, including our connection with ourselves, which can also fuel feelings of anxiety. Many people who are struggling to feel happy think they must be broken or inadequate in some way. But, all those internal and external demands don’t actually point toward happiness – in fact, they often block the road.

It makes sense that you or your family members might feel stuck, stressed, or overwhelmed. Thankfully, with the support and guidance of a therapist who is skilled in anxiety therapy, you can discover the route toward lasting relief.

Anxiety Treatment Can Bring Deep, Positive Change

Can you imagine how your life would be different if you felt more confident and better equipped to manage stress and worry? What if you could work through fears and feel empowered to fully engage with life? For over 10 years, I have helped individuals and families develop effective skills and strategies for understanding emotions, shifting negative patterns, and navigating life with greater ease. From both personal and professional experience, I know that, with active participation and a willingness to explore, it is possible to feel better and experience long-term relief from anxiety.

In sessions, I treat each person – regardless of age – as a unique individual (please see my Child Counseling and Teen Counseling pages for more specific information about my approach to working with those age groups). I know that what works for one person may not be the best solution for another and am trained in a variety of anxiety therapy techniques, which allows me to draw on many tools and strategies and find what works for each individual. I will be your partner and guide in the process of healing. We will work as a team to determine what you need. I will meet you where you are emotionally and offer compassionate support as you share your thoughts and feelings. As I listen to better understand you, I will also offer insight and feedback to help you better understand yourself and provide suggestions for alternative ways of approaching challenging situations. You can always arrive just as you are, without fear of judgment.

Together, we can work to help you better recognize worry, identify what triggers anxiety or panic, and shift your thoughts so you can better cope with emotions and fully engage in the present moment. I offer healthy coping skills that you can practice in the safety of my office and at home, carrying what you’ve learned in session with you into your daily life.

There’s no need to keep suffering alone or to settle for a life of worry. I am trained in up-to-date methods that are proven to effectively treat anxiety. With support, guidance, and the willingness to engage in the anxiety counseling process and take steps toward improving your life, change is possible.

You may have questions or concerns about anxiety treatment…

I’m already stressed about time and money. How long will this take, and how can I afford this?

I invite you to consider how much peace of mind and feeling better is worth to you. Anxiety can take an enormous toll on your life, interrupting your ability to complete tasks at work, seize new opportunities or enjoy any part of your day. Anxiety therapy can give you back the time and energy that you’re dedicating to worry and stress.  

It can be hard to predict the length of treatment. Treatment length varies from person to person, and can depend on a number of factors, including how severe your symptoms are, how long you’ve had the symptoms, and how much work you do outside of sessions. Some people quickly notice dramatic improvement, and others improve at such a gradual pace that it can be difficult to notice the changes as they’re occurring. As a general rule, people who set more specific goals and who are committed to applying what they learn outside of sessions see the most improvement.

I’m worried that people will judge me for needing anxiety treatment.

Seeking mental health treatment doesn’t mean you are broken or weak. Rather, it can be seen as a sign of strength. Life can be unpredictable and challenging, and we all struggle and need guidance at times. Furthermore, anxiety counseling is confidential, and no one will know you’re in it unless you choose to share your experience. That said, you might be surprised by how many people around you are in therapy as well.

Won’t talking about my worries just make me more worried?

It’s natural to think that avoiding an uncomfortable feeling will make it go away. When we feel anxious, our natural instinct is to avoid whatever we’re feeling anxious about. While avoidance may seem to work in the short-term, it actually makes anxiety worse in the long-term. Our feelings of dread often prove to be more uncomfortable than facing whatever it is we’re afraid of. In sessions, you can put your thoughts and feelings into words, expressing them to someone who will listen to you without judgment or criticism. Talking to someone who understands what you’re going through can be liberating and relieving. And, treatment for anxiety can provide you with solutions for coping with worry over the long-term.

There Is Hope and Help

I invite you to click this link to sign up for my newsletter and blog. There, you can learn more about anxiety treatment and my practice in Houston, TX. You can also take a look at these frequently asked questions. Then, when you are ready to schedule an appointment, please give me a call at 713-702-3770.